Monday, July 11, 2016

OK! Let's Refocus!

I have to admit, the past few days posting my story got me a little blue....remembering all the details broke my heart all over again.  I guess it is good to do that once in awhile.

But now I am done and looking forward. AGAIN :-)

I am very excited about what the next few months has in store.  I am doing what I love and my business is growing.  Every morning is really a new adventure and I am so excited to get started everyday.

My workouts have slipped a bit due to my hyperextending my "bad" shoulder in Yoga. YIKES! I took a class my friend was teaching.  It is always so nice to be the STUDENT once in awhile!  I was all warmed up from my regular workout and went a bit to deep in one of the poses.  It happens.  So I had to take a few days off to let that heal.  I might try today, but I am definitely NOT going to push it.  I teach Zumba tonight and walk Snickers, so it isn't like I am being a complete couch potato!

Nashville is in two weeks and I am SO excited.  It has been SO LONG since I have taken a trip out of town, and now I am plying across the country.  This is business AND fun: Beachbody Summit! Training, Personal Development and workouts with celebrity trainers...the best part is being with my team and just enjoying being with thousands of people with the same vision: Ending th trend of obesity in America.  It is very exciting work and I love every minute of it.

I am also looking forward to the very real possibility of working in the Sacramento area immediately after that :-)  Coaching my clients via Facebook, text, FaceTime, etc AND teaching live Yoga and mini retreats to small groups while I am there.  It will be a lot of work, but a lot of fun.

Ok...that's it for the update and more POSITIVE notes :-) 


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