Friday, July 8, 2016

The Control

Literally days before we lost our house, a week at the most, I had this hair-brained idea.

Obviously having NO LUCK nailing down a fulltime position ANYWHERE that I applied for 2 years, I was killing myself teaching multiple Zumba Classes and Yoga classes in addition to the hit and miss Personal Training and my dwindling hours at a local Ladies' gym.  I was promoting a TurboKick class and struggling with some of the choreography, so I went to YouTube to find some help.

There I found two very energetic and fun girls Sara and Cassie) executing the "round" I was struggling with and it all clicked.  I sent them a private message thanking them and continued on with everything I was doing.

It wasn't long until Sara responded and we became fast friends.  She told me a about herself, but I shared very little.  What did I have to offer anyone?  Through our chats I discovered that she was a Beachbody coach and she invited me to her Challenge group.  I had a bootleg copy of P90X that I loved and had seen results with, but never finished (I hate Kenpo). I took her up on her offer, purchased PiYo and had a lot of fun. 

Now, I wasn't new to exercise or "dieting".  I'd been a Personal Trainer and Sports Nutrition Specialist for years. I was surprised at how well designed the Beachbody Workouts and Nutrition Plans are.  It was no joke, this was the real deal!

I loved PiYo, but I had my eyes on Body Beast for a few years and it happened: By watching Sara lead her challenge group, encourage them, help them with their struggles with nutrition, hold them accountable, remind them of their goals, stay home with her 4 kids, getting in shape herself  WHILE EARNING A FULL TIME INCOME on part time hours, I knew I could do the same.

I love helping people improve their health.  That is why I became a Personal Trainer. But the number of people you can help is limited because most people want to train AFTER WORK when I wanted to be home with my family...ON THE WEEKENDS when I wanted to be with my kids.....and honestly, unless you are Jillian Michaels, the pay isn't great, especially for those hours. What's your family time worth?

Rick listened patiently while I told him my plan:  I was going to become a Beachbody Coach, get great results with Body Beast and start my own business. I knew I could do it.

He said "Go for it. We've got nothing to lose."

Well, sort of.  About a week later our house was gone.  We were devastated  We had two kids home at the time and they were scared.  We were scared.

We worked with the new owners to rent out house for 60 days so we could find something.  We started packing and purging...and I started Body Beast.

Everything was out of our hands...completely out of control.  The only thing I could control was ME. My Challenge Pack arrived and I was ALL IN.

It is hard to find BEFORE photos, because when you don't feel good in your skin, you don't like it in photos....but here are a couple plus my official BEFORE photos....

I have NEVER shared this BEHIND photo...until now.

I literally did my Body Beast workouts in the midst of boxes packed full of my past.  Everything I owned was in a box, except for the TV, DVD player and my workout cd's.  It was depressing.  But it kept me sane and gave me something POSITIVE to work on everyday....

...and it worked....

I needed something at that time in my life, and Beachbody provided it: Personal Development, Exercise, Nutrition AND a groups of people who respected me, my situation and my personal goals with no judgement....only encouragement and 'round the clock (literally) support and understanding.  It also provided me an opportunity to make an income without age discrimination, fear of lost hours, and the ability to advance at a rate I am comfortable with and that works with me and my family...all while doing what I love to do! Coach and train people to a healthier and happier lifestyle through fitness.

The trials and tribulations continued, but I was now stronger both physically and mentally to handle the days to come......


  1. amazing!!! You have inspired me and so many people! I love you and thank God for you everyday!

  2. I love you Gina!!! You are such an inspiration.
