Saturday, July 9, 2016

Settling In

So the temporary housing actually turned into a place we started to settle into.  We were told by the owners that their Spring reservation had cancelled and that we could stay in this perfect little cottage for awhile.  They seemed to like having us here because we are quiet, pay our bills and pretty much keep to ourselves. 

We are busy working out part-time jobs and getting Izzy where she needs to be for all of her activities.  Teenagers are busy, and this one doesn't drive yet :-)  I spend A LOT  of time in "Mom's Taxi" and I really don't mind.  I am able to work my Beachbody business ANYWHERE and I am truly enjoying it.  I am helping people while working around everyone's crazy's really is fantastic!

Christmas was tough.  I am not going to lie.  Remember, all of our personal affects are in storage except for our work clothes and the items Izzy needs as a teenage girl.

We tossed our Griswold size Christmas has been loved hard with all of our homemade decorations over the past 25-30 years (we have four children, so we've been Mommy and Daddy a long time ;-) ). I did save all of my decorations, but they were in storage and we really didn't have room for a tree like we were use to.

I went to Rite Aid and purchased a little artificial tree complete with decorations for  $15.  I tried to make it an event for the whole family, but our hearts just weren't in it.  I think it took 30 seconds to assemble.  I bought some beer and told Nathaniel to come down the street to help decorate it.

They took turns placing the unfamiliar plastic ornaments on this little plastic tree.  My heart was breaking, but once they finished I couldn't believe how beautiful it was. 

I was crying over this little crappy tree and they looked at me like I was nuts.

What else is new?

I continued my workouts here in this tiny little abode, continued to see results, grew my business, surrounded myself with amazing people and got to work killing my limiting beliefs....

Did my situation still suck?  Yeah...a little...but I was learning things could be worse and different isn't bad, it's just uncomfortable for awhile...


  1. OMG now I have Dwayne reading your life. We are in tears over here.
